Annual Teacher Brunch

It's tradition! We hosted our 7th annual teacher brunch this past weekend 
and had such a sweet time celebrating our teachers. :) 
our invitation sent out to our teachers: 
 Please come to our 7th Annual Teacher’s brunch
So we can express that we love you a bunch.
You’ve served us and taught us for all the year through,
Now it’s our turn to do something kind for you!
Anna and Taylor help Mom and Dad with the meal,
We hope you’ll be blessed and feel loved a great deal.
We’ve invited our teachers from Laurelhurst and Eckstein School-- 
We think that you each are so special and cool!
Saturday, APRIL 4th is the date
We’ll begin at 10:00 a.m.; we can hardly wait!
We’ll be sad when this year is over and it’s time to part,
But glad for the things that you’ve written on our hearts!

our latest favorite brunch recipe: 

Ms. Levine, Ms. Stone & Ms. Stafford from Eckstein Middle School 

translation of the note from Anna's super cool science teacher:
" Thank you. I love brunch + Huffs" 

As I look through all these pictures, I am so thankful for all these wonderful teachers who have poured so much into our kids through the years!! 


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