Kate's Crossing

It was such a gift to be invited to share in a celebration of Kate's birthday and to participate in her Crossing on Sunday.

It was so meaningful to me that Jodi found Anna's celebration last November to be really special that she wanted to host something like this for Kate who turned 13 this summer. 

We gathered at their home on Sunday afternoon and sat down for tea. Jodi first read the history of Saint Catherine and we prayed for these same characteristics that marked St. Catherine's life to be ones that marked Kate's life. 

Then we went on a walk together and gathered several rocks to be used later for a gift for Kate. When we returned, we shared letters that we had written for Kate and shared a beautiful meal together. During dessert, we read verses that we had each chosen for Kate.  We also wrote our names on one rock and Kate wrote her name on one rock, and we exchanged rocks.  Jodi presented Kate with a box in which she could keep the rocks and verses and as reminders for us to pray for each other. 

What a rich day to celebrate this beautiful girl! 


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